New Shot of Seattle’s Safeco Field
Updated Website!
Hey Fans,
I’ve just updated my website for your viewing pleasure! Some features you may encounter: I have made my photographs in each section listed in alphabetical order. With the exception of having all of the latest NEW photos titled NEW – “photo name” for ease of finding them. (see sample below)
Thanks as always – xo Shelly
Upcoming Artwalks!
Come check out new work to be unveiled at both upcoming shows:
Annie’s Art & Frame Shop (Ballard): Theme of show is Relief – in an architectural sense – characterized by surface inequalities. – May 14, 2011 from 6-9pm
Friendshop (Downtown Seattle Public Library): I have a few new photos of the downtown library! June 2, 2011 from 3-5pm
Both shows will have prints available for purchase, and the Friendshop will have additional products available like journals, night lights, greeting cards and magnets!
See you there! xo
New Snowy Photos & more!
Hi Fans!
I’ve been busy uploading photos…some even from November (oops!) but here’s a quick collage of what’s new…there are a few more images (19 new in all) so if you can’t find them just look for the NEW! in front of the title.
Thanks, and Happy 2011!
Orders for the Holidays
Hey there …
So I slacked a bit on posting for Urban Craft Uprising BUT, the show was great, met many fabulous people, and can’t wait to get busy on all the custom orders I received!
Speaking of orders, custom is not more expensive than what I have in stock (Unless its a fabric item) and I will be taking orders through December 11 for the holidays. (see custom order page on the left of your screen)
Journals are coming!
A sneak peek at my latest creations…will be available at craft shows this winter and on my ETSY site soon. Prices starting at $14.
I have succumbed to requests and added a business fan page – Shelly.Etc – but you can also click on it below or through my “about me” page.
Etsy Rain Pre – Holiday Show
Location: INTIMAN Theatre 201 Mercer Street, Seattle Center: Seattle, WA
.Shelly.Etc. will be on the upper lobby level. Stop by!
EtsyRAIN Pre-Holiday Craft Show
Pre-Holiday Craft Show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, October 16th and 17th, 2010.
Arrive early for swag bags:
The first 50 shoppers in the door each day will receive a FREE “swag” bag stuffed with goodies, treats and samples from some of the over 850 etsyRAIN member artists and craft makers residing in the greater Puget Sound area.
Support local artisans and crafters:
Choosing to support our area’s small businesses helps in so many ways! Buying local is more than just the hottest trend. From reducing your carbon footprint to keeping your hard-earned dollars right here in Seattle, purchasing locally produced items benefits our city and our planet!
Pre-Holiday Craft Show benefits charity:
EtsyRAIN has chosen a charitable organization to support at its pre-holiday craft show. is an organization that connects monetary contributors to classrooms in need. Public school teachers all over America post requests for donations for specific classroom projects such as buying pencils for a school poetry writing contest or raising enough money for new violins for a school recital. A donation table will be set up to gather contributions that will go directly towards a specific classroom project request of EtsyRAIN’s choosing.
About EtsyRAIN:
EtsyRAIN is a local collective of over 700 artisans and craft makers from all over the Puget Sound region who operate online shops on the international handcrafted shopping site called Etsy ( EtsyRAIN’s mission is to create a local creative community that nurtures, supports and educates artists who currently have or are interested in opening their own independent e-commerce shops on Etsy. The group’s website at features an event calendar of local craft-related events that is quickly becoming the “go-to” place to find out about crafty happenings in the Seattle area. Check it out to learn about all things crafty going on locally, such as classes, shows, application deadlines, networking events and more. You can even create an account and post your own crafty events!
New LA Photos are up on my website
Ballard Artwalk this Saturday at Venue
Hey Everyone – I’ll be the artist of the month at come check out my latest photographs from Los Angeles and some local Seattle photos as well. join me at Venue – 5408 22nd Ave. NW from 6-9pm this Saturday September 11.
Here are photos from the event:
- close up of table
- Close up
- Overall of Space
- close up of large prints
- new Magnets Display
- close up on wall art